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1986/09-1989/07 sunbet游戏官网,化学系,学士﹑硕士

1992/12-1996/05 香港中文大学,化学系,博士


1989/07-/1992/12, sunbet游戏官网,化学系,助教,讲师

1996/10-1998/10, 美国弗吉利亚大学,化学系,博士后,


1998/11-2001/05, 美国马里兰大学,化学与生物化学系,博士后,从事小分子与核酸的识别和相互作用

2001/05-至今, sunbet游戏官网,化学与分子科学学院,教授,博士生导师















Chinese Chemical Letters编委

研究方向:化学生物学、生物有机化学、药物化学。主持和正在主持国家自然科学基金委 “基于化学小分子探针的信号转导过程” 重大研究计划集成项目(负责人),国家基金委重点项目、教育部高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目等项目10项;参加了“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”科技重大专项“十一五”“结核病分子标识和诊断技术及产品的研究”和教育部创新团队基金(主持)项目。发表和已接受将被发表的杂志论文130余篇(在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Scientific Reports, Chem. Eur. J., Chem. Commun, J. Org. Chem.等杂志发表),影响因子大于4的论文50篇,按2013年影响因子计)。其中1篇发表在J. Am. Chem. Soc 的论文被美国化学学会网站上的评论期刊Heart Cut介绍,介绍的文章被选为2003年度Heart Cut 的九佳之一。 发表在ChemCommun上的1篇论文被英国化学会的化学生物学期刊Chemical Biology以亮点的形式详细介绍,介绍的内容也同时在英国化学会(RSC)Chemistry World 网页上予以刊登和RSC的专刊Chinese Science上刊登。发表在ChemCommun上的1篇文章被 ACS 的评论期刊Noteworth Chemistry(2010, March 10)(原为Heart Cut) 专文介绍和推荐;2010年发表在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.的文章被该杂志编辑部编委选为”hot paper”。论文多次被发表在国际权威刊物如:Nat. Rev. Cancer, Nature Drug. Discovery, Chem. Rev., PNAS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 等上的文章引用,被他人引用1900余次。在国际和国内会议上作过多次大会邀请报告,会议论文28篇。发明专利3项(已获授权),申请发明专利10项。Chinese Chemical Letters编委。获得湖北省自然科学一等奖1项(排名第一)



2.国家自然科学基金委 “基于化学小分子探针的信号转导过程” 重大研究计划集成项目(负责人,880万),




1.Wang, S. R., Fu, B. S., Wang, J. Q., Wang, Long, Y. L., Zhang, X. E., Peng, S., Guo, P., Tian, T.* and Zhou, X.* Novel Amplex Red Oxidases based on Non-canonical DNA Structures: Property Studies and Applications in MicroRNA Detection. Anal. Chem., 2014, DOI: 10.1021/ac402535a.

2.Wang, C., Feng, S., Wu, L., Yan, S., Zhong, C., Guo, P., Huang, R., Weng, X.* and Zhou, X.* A new fluorescent turn-on probe for highly sensitive and selective detection of sulfite and bisulfite. Sens. Actuators B Chem., 2014, 190, 792-799.

3.Wang, S., Long, Y., Wang, J., Ge, Y., Guo, P., Liu, Y., Tian, T.* and Zhou, X.* Systematic investigations of different cytosine modifications on CpG dinucleotide sequences: The effects on the B-Z transition. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014. 136. 56-59.

4.Tang, Y., Chu, J.-M., Huang, W., Xiong, J., Xing, X.-W., Zhou, X., Feng, Y.-Q.* and Yuan, B.-F*. Hydrophilic Material for the Selective Enrichment of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and Its LC-MS/MS Detection. Anal. Chem., 2013, 85, 6129−6135.

5.Hong, T., Wang, T., Guo, P., Xing, X., Ding, F., Chen, Y., Wu, J., Ma, J., Wu, F. and Zhou, X.* Fluorescent Strategy Based on Cationic Conjugated Polymer Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer for the Quantification of 5-(Hydroxymethyl) cytosine in Genomic DNA. Anal. Chem., 2013, 85, 10797-10802.

6.Wang, C., Yan, S., Huang R., Feng S., Fu, B., Weng, X.* and Zhou, X.* A turn-on fluorescent probe for detection of tyrosinase activity. Analyst, 2013,138, 2825-2828

7.Guo, P., Yan, S., Zhou, Y., Wang C., Xu, X., Weng, X., and Zhou, X.* A novel fluorescent “Turn-Off/Turn-On” system for the detection of acid phosphatase activity. Analyst, 2013, 138, 3365-3367.

8.Tian, T., Zhang, X., Fu, B., Long, Y., Peng, S., Wang, S.*, and Zhou, X*. Systematic investigation of DNAs with modified cytosines under hot alkali treatment. ChemComm, 2013, 49, 9968-9970.

9.Tian, T., Peng, S., Xiao, H., Long, Y., Fu, B., Zhang, X., Guo, S., Wang, S.*, Zhou, X.* and Liu, S. 5-Methyldeoxycytidine enhances the substrate activity of DNA polymerase. ChemComm, 2013, 49, 10085-10087.

10. Wang, S., Fu, B., Peng, S., Zhang, X., Tian, T. * and Zhou, X.* The G-triplex DNA could function as a new variety of DNA peroxidase. ChemComm, 2013, 49, 7920-7922.

11. Hu, J., Xing, X., Xu, X., Wu, F., Guo, P., Yan, S., Xu, Z., Xu, J., Weng, X. and Zhou, X.* Selective Chemical Labelling of 5-Formylcytosine in DNA by Fluorescent Dyes. Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19, 5836-5840.

12. Tian, T., Xiao, H., Zhang, Z., Long, Y., Peng, S., Wang, S.*, Zhou, X., Liu, S. and Zhou, X.*. Sensitive and Convenient Detection of microRNAs Based on Cascade Amplification by Catalytic DNAzymes.Chem. Eur. J.,2013, 19, 92-95.

13. Du, Y.* and Zhou, X.* Targeting Non‐B‐Form DNA in Living Cells. Chem. Rec., 2013, 13, 371-384.

14. Liu, L., Zhai, Q., Hong, T., Ge, Y., Hu, P., Weng, X.*, Liu, Y. and Zhou, X.* Selective cleavage of DNA at guanosine bases which locate in DNA non-duplex portions within duplexes by ruthenium (II) complexes. Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2013, 394, 385–390.

15. Wang, T., Hong, T., Tang, T., Zhai, Q., Xing, X., Mao, W., Zheng, X., Xu, L.; Wu, J., Weng, X., Wang, S., Tian, T., Yuan, B., Huang, B., Zhuang,L; Zhou, X.* Application of N-Halogeno-N- sodiobenzene sulfonamide Reagents to the Selective Detection of 5-Methylcytosine in DNA Sequences. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 1240-1243.

16. Yuan, L., Tian, T., Chen, Y., Zhang, Z. and Zhou, X*. An L-DNA G-Quadruplex: Application for Peroxidase DNAzyme. Nucleos. Nucleot. Nucl., 2013, 32, 589-598.

17. Wu, J., Huang, R., Wang, C., Liu, W., Wang, J., Weng, X., Tian, T. and Zhou, X.*. Thiol-inducible direct fluorescence monitoring of drug release. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2013, 11, 580-585.

18. Wu, J., Huang, R., Wang, T., Zhao, X., Zhang, W., Weng, X., Tian, T., Zhou, X.* Fluoride as an inducible DNA cross-linking agent for new antitumor prodrug. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 2365-2369.

19. Guo, P., Xu, X., Qiu, X., Zhou, Y., Yan, S., Wang, C., Lu, C., Ma, W., Weng, X. and Zhou, X*. Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of fluorescent 5-benzimidazolyl-2′-deoxyuridines 5-fdU probes obtained from o-phenylenediamine derivatives. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2013, 11, 1610-1613.

20. Mao, W., Hu, J., Hong, T., Xing, X., Wang, S., Chen, X., Zhou, X.* A convenient method for selective detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and 5-formylcytosine sites in DNA sequences. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 3568-3572.

21. Guo, P., Yan, S., Hu, J., Xing, X., Wang, C., Xu, X., Qiu, X., Ma, W., Lu, C. Weng, X., and Zhou, X.* Selective Detection of 5-Formyl-2′-deoxycytidine in DNA Using a Fluorogenic Hydroxylamine Reagent. Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 3266-3269.

22. Yan, S., Xu, X., Guo, P., Hu, J., Wang, C., Huang, R., Weng, X., Du, Y. and Zhou, X.* A selective turn-on fluorescence strategy for the detection of 5-hydroxymethyl-2’-deoxycytidine. RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 12066-12068.

23. Ge, Y., Weng, X., Tian, T.,Ding, F., Huang, R.,Yuan, L.,Wu, J., Wang, T.,Guo P., Zhou, X.* A Mitochondria-Targeted Zinc (II) Phthalocyanine for Photodynamic Therapy. RSC Adv. 2013, 3, 12839-12846

24. Wu, Z., Xie, X., Li, P., Zhao, J., Huang, L. and Zhou, X.* Equilibrious Strand Exchange Promoted by DNA Conformational Switching. Sci. Rep., 2013, 3:1121. DOI: 10.1038/srep01121

25. Yuan, L., Tian, T., Chen, Y., Yan, S., Xing, X., Zhang, Z., Zhai, Q., Xu, L., Wang, S., Weng, X. and Zhou, X.* Existence of G-quadruplex structures in promoter region of oncogenes confirmed by G-quadruplex DNA cross-linking strategy. Sci. Rep., 2013, 3: 1811. DOI: 10.1038/srep01811

26. Tian, T., Xiao, H., Zhang, X., Peng, S., Zhang, X., Guo, S., Wang, S.*, Liu, S., Zhou, X. and Meyers, C., Zhou, X.* Simultaneously sensitive detection of multiple miRNAs based on a strand displacement amplification. ChemComm, 2012, 49, 75-77.

27. Tian, T., Peng, S., Xiao, H., Zhang, X., Guo, S., Wang, S.*, Zhou, X.* and Liu, S. Highly sensitive detection of telomerase based on a DNAzyme strategy. ChemComm, 2013, 49, 2652-2654.

28. Huang, R., Wang, J., Mao, W., Fu, B., Xing, X., Guo, G. and Zhou, X.*A novel combined bisulfite UDG assay for selective 5-methylcytosine detection. Talanta, 2013,117, 445-448.

29. Xu, X., Yan, S., Hu, J., Guo, P., Wei, L., Weng, X. and Zhou, X.* One-step to get 5-azidomethyl-2’-deoxyuridine from 5-hydroxymethyl- 2’-deoxyuridine and detection of it through click reaction. Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 9870-9874.

30. Xing, X.-W., Liu, Y.-L., Vargas, M., Wang, Y., Feng, Y.-Q., Zhou, X.* and Yuan, B.-F.* Mutagenic and Cytotoxic Properties of Oxidation Products of 5-Methylcytosine Revealed by Next-Generation Sequencing. PloS One, 2013, 8, e72993.

31. Zhang, M., Li, H., Deng, M., Weng, X., Ma, H., Feng, S., Zhou, Y. and Zhou, X.* Studies of the Activity of Peroxidase‐Like DNAzyme by Modifying 3’- or 5’-End of Aptamers. Chem. Biodiv., 2012, 9, 170-180.

32. Zhai, Q., Deng, M., Xu, L., Zhang, X. and Zhou, X.*. Promoting the formation of tetramolecular G-quadruplexes under freezing condition. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2012, 22, 1142-1145.

33. Yang, L., Wang, S., Tian, T. and Zhou, X.* Advancements in Z-DNA: Development of Inducers and Stabilizers for B to Z Transition. Curr. Med. Chem., 2012, 19, 557-568.

34. Yan, S., Huang, R., Wang, C., Zhou, Y., Wang, J., Fu, B., Weng, X. and Zhou, X.* A Two-photon Fluorescent Probe for Intracellular Detection of Tyrosinase Activity. Chem. Asian J., 2012, 7, 2782-2785.

35. Xu, L., Xu, Z., Shang, Y., Feng, S. and Zhou, X.* Structural polymorphism of human telomere G-quadruplex induced by a pyridyl carboxamide molecule. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett, 2012, 22, 2988-2992.

36. Xu, L., Wu, W., Ding, J., Feng, S., Xing, X., Deng, M. and Zhou, X.*.A pyridyl carboxamide molecule selectively stabilizes DNA G-quadruplex and regulates duplex–quadruplex competition. RSCAdvances, 2012, 2, 894-899.

36. Tian, T., Xiao, H., Long, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, S., Zhou, X., Liu, S. and Zhou, X.* Sensitive analysis of DNA methyltransferase based on a hairpin-shaped DNAzyme. ChemComm, 2012, 48, 10031-10033.

38. Liu, L., Liu, W., Hong, T., Weng, X.*, Zhai, Q. and Zhou, X.* Ag+ and cysteine detection by Ag+-guanine interaction based on graphene oxide and G-quadruplex DNA. Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 1935-1939.

39. Huang, R., Zheng, X., Wang, C., Wu, R., Yan, S., Yuan, J., Weng, X. and Zhou, X.* Reaction-Based Two-Photon Fluorescent Probe for Turn-On Mercury (II) Sensing and Imaging in Live Cells. Chem. Asian J, 2012, 7, 915.

40. Huang, R., Yan, S., Zheng, X., Luo, F., Deng, M., Fu, B., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X. and Zhou, X.* Development of a pH-activatable fluorescent probe and its application for visualizing cellular pH change. Analyst, 2012,137, 4418-4420.

41. Dong, X.-Q., Fang, X., Tao, H.-Y., Zhou, X. and Wang, C.-J.* Organocatalytic asymmetric domino sulfa-Michael–aldol reactions of 2-mercaptobenzaldehyde with α, β-unsaturated N-acylpyrazoles for the construction of thiochromane. ChemComm, 2012, 48, 7238-7240.

42. Dong, X.Q., Fang, X., Tao, H.Y., Zhou, X. and Wang, C. J. * Highly Efficient Catalytic Asymmetric Sulfa‐Michael Addition of Thiols to trans‐4, 4, 4‐Trifluorocrotonoylpyrazole. Adv. Syn. & Catalysis, 2012, 354, 1141-1147.

43. Ding, F., You, J., Weng, X.*, Zhou, J.*, Zhang, X., Zhou, X.*. and Zhang, L. Exploring Quaternized Hydroxyethylcellulose as Potential Gene Carriers. Chin. J. Chem., 2012, 30, 2212-2218.

44. Deng, M., Feng, S., Luo, F., Wang, S., Sun, X., Zhou, X.* and Zhang, X.-L.* Visual Detection of rpoB Mutations in Rifampin-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains by Use of an Asymmetrically Split Peroxidase DNAzyme. J. of Clin. Microbiol. 2012, 50, 3443-3450.

45. Wang, C., Zheng, X., Huang, R., Yan, S., Xie, X., Tian, T., Huang, S., Weng, X. and Zhou, X.* A 4-Amino-1, 8-Naphthalimide Derivative for Selective Fluorescent Detection of Palladium (II) Ions. Asian J. Org. Chem., 2012, 1, 259-263.

46. 田沺, 肖珩, 翁小成, 王少儒*, 周翔*. 基于小分子的核酸结构探针最新研究进展. 中国科学: 化学, 2012, 42, 1700-1716.

47. Zhu, Z., Yang, C.*, Zhou, X. and Qin, J. Label-free aptamer-based sensors for L-argininamide by using nucleic acid minor groove binding dyes. ChemComm, 2011, 47, 3192-3194.

48. Zhu, Z., Xu, L., Zhou, X., Qin, J. and Yang, C.* Designing label-free DNA sequences to achieve controllable turn-off/on fluorescence response for Hg2+ detection. ChemComm, 2011, 47, 8010-8012.

49. Zhou, Y., Deng, M.*, Du, Y., Yan, S., Huang, R., Weng, X., Yang, C., Zhang, X. and Zhou, X.* A novel cationic triazatetrabenzcorrole: selective detection of mercury (II) by nucleic acid-induced aggregation. Analyst, 2011, 136, 955-961.

50. Zheng, K.-w., Zhang, D., Zhang, L.-X., Hao, Y.-h., Zhou, X. and Tan, Z.* Dissecting the strand folding orientation and formation of G-quadruplexes in single-and double-stranded nucleic acids by ligand-induced photocleavage footprinting. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011,133, 1475-1483.

51. Zhai, Q., Xu, L., Ge, Y., Tian, T., Wu, W., Yan, S., Zhou, Y., Deng, M., Liu, Y. and Zhou, X.* Site‐Specific Recognition of Guanosine by Manganese (III) Corroles in DNA Non‐Duplex Regions through Active Oxygen Transfer. Chem. Eur. J., 2011, 17, 8890-8895.

52. Yan, S., Huang, R., Zhou, Y., Zhang, M., Deng, M., Wang, X., Weng, X. and Zhou, X.* Aptamer-based turn-on fluorescent four-branched quaternary ammonium pyrazine probe for selective thrombin detection. ChemComm, 2011, 47, 1273-1275.

53. Xu, L., Feng, S. and Zhou, X.* Human telomeric G-quadruplexes undergo dynamic conversion in a molecular crowding environment. ChemComm, 2011, 47, 3517-3519.

54. Xing, X., Wang, X., Xu, L., Tai, Y., Dai, L., Zheng, X., Mao, W., Xu, X. and Zhou, X.* Light-driven conformational regulation of human telomeric G-quadruplex DNA in physiological conditions. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 6639-6645.

55. Wu, Z., Tang, M., Tian, T., Wu, J., Deng, Y., Dong, X., Tan, Z., Weng, X., Liu, Z. and Wang, C. Zhou, X.* A specific probe for two-photon fluorescence lysosomal imaging. Talanta, 2011, 87, 216-221.

56. Wu, Z., Tian, T., Yu, J., Weng, X., Liu, Y. and Zhou, X.* Formation of Sequence‐Independent Z‐DNA Induced by a Ruthenium Complex at Low Salt Concentrations. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 123, 12168-12173.

57. Tian, T., Wang, S., Wu, J. and Zhou, X.* Review: Advances in methodology of DNA methylation assay. Science China Chemistry, 2011, 54, 1233-1243.

58. Ren, L., Chen, X., Luechapanichkul, R., Selner, N. G., Meyer, T. M., Wavreille, A.-S., Chan, R., Iorio, C., Zhou, X. Neel, B.G. Pei, D.* Substrate specificity of protein tyrosine phosphatases 1B, RPTPα, SHP-1, and SHP-2. Biochemistry, 2011, 50, 2339-2356.

59. Xu, L., Zhang, D., Huang, J., Deng, M., Zhang, M. and Zhou, X.* High fluorescence selectivity and visual detection of G-quadruplex structures by a novel dinuclear ruthenium complex. ChemComm, 2010, 46, 743-745.

60. Wang, X., Huang, J., Zhou, Y., Yan, S., Weng, X., Wu, X., Deng, M. and Zhou, X.* Conformational Switching of G‐Quadruplex DNA by Photoregulation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010, 49, 5305-5309.

61. Shuai, L.*, Deng, M., Zhang, D., Zhou, Y. and Zhou, X.* Quadruplex-duplex motifs as new topoisomerase I inhibitors. Nucleos. Nucleot. Nucl., 2010, 29, 841-853.

62. Ma, H., Zhang, M., Zhang, D., Huang, R., Zhao, Y., Yang, H., Liu, Y., Weng, X., Zhou, Y. Deng, M. Xu. L and Zhou, X.* Pyridyl-substituted corrole isomers: Synthesis and their regulation to G-quadruplex structures. Chem. Asian J, 2010, 5, 114.

63. Li, A., François, M., Florent, B., Michel, D., Baoshan, W., Zhou, X.* and Wang, P. Molecular modeling study of binding site selectivity of TQMP to G-quadruplex DNA. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2010, 45, 983-991.

64. Du, Y., Zhang, D., Chen, W., Zhang, M., Zhou, Y. and Zhou, X.* G-quadruplex recognition. Bioorg. Med. Chem., 2010,18, 1111-1116.

65. Du, Y., Weng, X., Huang, J., Zhang, D., Ma, H., Chen, D., Zhou, X.* and Constant, J.-F.* Oligonucleotide-selenide conjugate: Synthesis and its inducible sequence-specific alkylation of DNA. Bioorg. Med. Chem., 2010, 18, 4149-4153.

66. Du, Y., Turlington, M., Zhou, X. and Pu, L*. Highly enantioselective addition of linear alkyl alkynes to linear aldehydes. Tetrahedron Letters, 2010, 51, 5024-5027.

67. Du, Y., Huang, J., Weng, X*. and Zhou, X.* Specific recognition of DNA by small molecules. Curr. Med. Chem., 2010, 17, 173-189.

68. Bai, M., Huang, J., Zheng, X., Song, Z., Tang, M., Mao, W., Yuan, L., Wu, J.,Weng, X. and Zhou, X.* Highly selective suppression of melanoma cells byinducible DNA cross-linking agents: bis (catechol) derivatives. J. Am. Chem.Soc., 2010, 132, 15321-15327.


1.一种miRNA检测探针和可视化检测miRNA的方法 周翔,王少儒,田,沺,翁,小成,肖珩,专利号:201210133660.8 2013年11月28号获授权

2.一种microRNAs荧光检测探针 周翔、王少儒、田沺、翁小成、肖珩201210411766.X 2012-10-24

3.一种microRNA检测探针和检测microRNA的方法 周翔、彭双、王少儒、田沺、翁小成 申请号:201310126387.0

4.五位醛基脱氧尿苷的荧光检测方法,周翔,郭璞,翁小成,申请号:201210044877.1 申请日:2012-02-27,sunbet游戏官网

5.N, N’-双(4-羟基亚水杨基)-邻苯二胺在制备治疗黑色素肿瘤药物中的 应用,周翔, 苑立博, 田沺,申请号:201210137225.2 申请日: 2012-05-04,sunbet游戏官网

6.一种检测DNA中5-甲基胞嘧啶的化学方法,周翔,王天露,翁小成,申请号:201210427481.5 申请日:2012-10-30,sunbet游戏官网

7.一种miRNA检测探针和可视化检测miRNA的方法,周翔,王少儒,田沺,翁小成,肖珩,申请号:201210133660.8 申请日: 2012-05-03

8.一种microRNAs荧光检测探针,周翔,王少儒,田沺,翁小成,肖珩申请号:201210411766.X 申请日:2012-10-24

9.结核分枝杆菌利福平耐药突变可视化检测探针及其应用,章晓联,周 翔,刚,冯烁,罗凤玲,孙小明,申请号:201210121847.6 申 请日:2012-04-24

10.结核分枝杆菌利福平耐药突变可视化检测探针及其应用,章晓 联,周翔,邓明刚,冯烁,罗凤玲,孙小明,申请号: 201210121883.2 申请日:2012-04-24

11.可视化检测探针及在结核病利福平耐药突变检测中的应用,章晓联,周翔,邓明刚,冯烁,罗凤玲,孙小明申请号: 201210133653.8 申请日:2012-05-03

12.溶酶体靶向的荧光物质及其合成方法,周翔,吴志国,田沺,翁小成申请号201010505360.9 申请日:2010-10-13

