题 目:Gold Catalysis - A Versatile Tool
报告人:A. Stephen K. Hashmi 院士
时 间:2023年10月13日(周五)上午10:00
地 点:当代楼sunbet官方网站530报告厅
A. Stephen K. Hashmi是德国海德堡大学教授。主要研究方向:新型金催化剂的制备、创新合成方法的开发以及详细的机理研究。1988年获德国慕尼黑大学获学士学位(导师: Prof. G. Szeimies );1991年获德国慕尼黑大学获博士学位(导师: Prof. G. Szeimies );1991-1993年在美国加州斯坦福大学化学系进行博士后研究(导师: Prof. B. M. Trost);1993-1998年在德国柏林自由大学和德国法兰克福大学学习(导师: Prof. Dr. J. Mulzer ); 1999-2007年任澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学、马尔堡大学、德国斯图加特大学教授;2007-2019年任海德堡大学有机化学系主任、化学与地球科学系副院长、常务副校长;2019年起任海德堡大学有机化学研究所所长,海德堡-巴斯夫协同创新CaRLa中心所长。其获得国内外诸多荣誉及奖项,如Dr. Otto Röhm Memorial Fellowship (1998); Karl-Ziegler Memorial Fellowship (2001); ORCHEM Prize for natural sciences of the German Chemical Society (2002); Prize awarded by the Students for the best lecture in Chemistry at Heidelberg University (2007); Hector Research Prize (2010); 2018年获德国化学学会-中国旅德学者化学化工学会联合颁发的中国博士研究生优秀导师奖;2021年当选欧洲科学院院士。
Brief Introduction of Professor John Hartwig
A. Stephen K. Hashmi is a professor at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, renowned for his pioneering research in the field of chemistry. His research primarily focuses on the synthesis of innovative gold catalysts, the development of groundbreaking synthetic methods, and the comprehensive investigation of underlying mechanisms. Throughout his illustrious career, Professor Hashmi has received numerous prestigious awards and honors both domestically and internationally. These accolades include the Dr. Otto Röhm Memorial Fellowship in 1998, the Karl-Ziegler Memorial Fellowship in 2001, and the ORCHEM Prize for Natural Sciences awarded by the German Chemical Society in 2002. His dedication to education and excellence in teaching was recognized with the Prize for the best lecture in Chemistry at Heidelberg University in 2007 and the Hector Research Prize in 2010. In 2018, he was honored with the Outstanding Doctoral Supervisor Award, jointly presented by the German Chemical Society and the Chinese Association of Chemical and Chemical Engineering in Germany. In 2021, Professor Hashmi achieved the distinguished honor of being elected as a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences.