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时间:2019-11-03 13:49:11点击量:

主讲人:Kari Rissanen 教授

时 间:2019年11月7日(星期四)上午10:00

地 点:当代楼sunbet官方网站报告厅530

题 目:Halonium Supramolecular Chemistry, New Molecular Capsules


Rissanen教授,芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学教授、欧洲科学院院士(European Academy of Sciences, 2018; Academia Europaea, 2008)、芬兰科学院院士(Suomen Akatemia, 2004)、英国皇家化学会会士(FRCS, 2005)、爱沙尼亚塔林大学荣誉博士(2018)。Rissanen教授是芬兰科学院合成化学部创办人之一,芬兰科学院纳米科学委员会主席(2005-2006)、专家组成员(2007—),曾获得Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland(芬兰三大国奖之一),Knight, First Class, of the Order of the White Rose of Finland(芬兰三大国奖之一),洪堡基金会科学家科研奖(2018),芬兰纳米科技奖(2010)等。Rissanen教授主要从事固相及溶液中超分子的自组装及结构分析,涉及有机合成、超分子结构、纳米科学以及X-射线晶体学,尤其在超分子晶体学领域在国际上享有极高声誉。科研生涯至今在ScienceNatureNature Chem.ChemJACSACIE等国际一流期刊发表高水平学术论文六百余篇,7本书的章节和出版专著2部,曾任多个国际知名杂志的顾问编委。根据Clarivate Analytics基本科学指数,Rissanen教授在2009-2019年是世界上排名前0.109%的高被引化学家。

Prof. Kari Rissanen

Professor Rissanen is a full professor and the head of Organic Chemistry in University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. He got his Ph.D degree at the University of Jyvaskyla in 1990.Since then he has pioneered the research in Supramolecular Chemistry in Finland and is one of the world-leading experts in Supramolecular Crystallography, weak intermolecular interactions, especially halogen bonding and anion-p interactions, and new methodologies in crystallography. His research has focused on a multitude of chemical systems, but in all studies the governing feature has been the understanding of the interactions involved in the recognition and self-assembly phenomena, and subsequent design and synthesis of functional host and sensor molecules based on this knowledge. The detailed structural studies form the solid basis for the understanding and utilization of weak non-covalent,viz.the supramolecular interactions occurring in recognition and self-assembly events, visualized in the solid state by single crystal X-ray diffraction and solid state NMR, in solution by NMR and in gas phase by mass spectrometry. He is the first chemist in the history of the Academy of Finland to get nominated twice as the Academy Professor (1stterm 2008-2012, 2nd2013-2017), the highest-ranking academic position available in Finland. He has been awarded several national scientific honors, prices and awards: Doctor Honoris Causa, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia (2018), the Humboldt Research Award (2017), Commander, of the Order of the Red Rose of Finland (2016); and the Nanotech Finland Award (2010); Knight, First Class, of the Order of the White Rose of Finland (2008); the Magnus Ehrnrooth Prize in Chemistry (2005). He is the member of European Academy of Sciences (since 2018), member of Academia Europeaea (since 2008), member of Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (since 2004), and Fellow of the Royal Chemical Society (Since 2005). Throughout his whole career he has been extremely active both nationally and internationally in various levels of science and university administration, funding and evaluation councils and boards. The major international and national administrative duties include: the Finnish representative at the Management Committee of the COST Chemistry Actions D7, D11 and D31. Since 1987 he has published more than 655 publications, seven book chapters and two edited books. According to theClarivate Analytics Essential Science Indicators (9/2019) ranking list in the topic of chemistry since 2009 – 2019, he is among 0.109 % of all cited chemists.


(通讯员 韩继新)11月7日,芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学Kari Rissanen教授为我院师生带来题为“Halonium Supramolecular Chemistry, New Molecular Capsules”的学术报告。报告由陈世贵教授主持,华中师范大学和sunbet游戏官网师生参与本次学术交流。



