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时间:2019-09-04 15:07:24点击量:

主讲人:Suzanne A. Blum 教授

时 间:2019年9月5日(星期四)下午16:00

地 点:当代楼sunbet官方网站报告厅530

题 目:Organic Chemistry at the Single-Molecule Level



Suzanne A. Blumgraduated from the University of California, Berkeley, working under the supervision ofBergman, R. G. After a postdoctoral stay at the National Institutes of Health in2004-2006, she returned to Department of chemistry at University of California, Irvine, where she was elected as a professor in 2017. She has published over 50 articles and filed two patents in the field of organic chemistry of metals. In 2013, she wasselected as Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow. She has also been awarded lots of honors, including NSF (National Science Foundation) CAREER Award (2008), Thieme Synlett/Synthesis Journal Award (2009),Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship (2013),Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2017).Her work focuses on the total synthesis of natural biologically-active products like anticancer agents, antibiotics,anti-inflammatoriesor products acting on the central nervous system. She has also conducted research on free-radical reactions andphotochemicalreactions. She pioneers new mechanisms for transition-metal reactivity with synthetic applications and aims to change the way people study chemical reactions by developing microscopy techniques to study mechanisms and catalysis.



为加强师生间的学术交流与合作,活跃学术氛围,增强科研实力,9月5日下午,sunbet官方网站在当代楼五楼学术报告厅举办了长江学术论坛第85讲,邀请了Suzanne A.Blum教授作“单分子水平的有机化学”为题的学术报告。




