主讲人:Thomas Douglas Bennet教授
时 间:2019年7月21日(星期天)下午15:00
地 点: 化学与分子科学院贵宾厅
题 目:Novel Metal—Organic Framework Materials: High Pressure-Temperature Polymorphs, Liquids, Glasses and Crystal-Glass Composites
Thomas Douglas Bennet教授,剑桥大学自然科学专业理学硕士学位,专业化学。在材料科学和冶金专业与Anthony Cheetham教授研究多孔材料的物理性质。随后三年期间在剑桥大学三一学院担任研究员,主攻多孔材料结构塌陷的应用,并且在此期间担任了1B材料化学课程的授课人。他曾荣获2012年的EPSRC博士后荣誉奖(EPSRC post-doctoral proze, 2012)。因在x射线衍射领域的杰出贡献在2013年获得帕纳科奖(Panalytical award, 2013),2018年获得ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Science Award,2019年获得国际比例协会the Woldemar A. Weyl奖(the Woldemar A. Weyl award for glass science,2019)。他于2016年获得英国皇家学会会员,随后在武汉理工大学担任客座教授,且在墨尔本CSIRO担任访问学者,以及英国皇家协会多孔材料研究组主席。
ProfessorThomas Douglas Bennet
Tom read the Natural Sciences Tripos at the University of Cambridge, specialising in Chemistry and gaining a 1st class MSci (Hons) in 2008. Tom then switched to the Materials Science and Metallurgy Department to study the physical properties of porous hybrid frameworks under Professor Anthony Cheetham FRS. A 3 year Research Fellowship at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge followed, looking at the utility of the structural collapse of hybrid frameworks and lecturing some of the 1B Materials Chemistry course at the department. He has been fortunate enough to receive the EPSRC post-doctoral prize (2012), the Panalytical award for an outstanding contribution to X-ray diffraction (2013), the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Science Impact Award (2018), and the Woldemar A. Weyl award for glass science (2019). He started a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in 2016, along with a visiting adjunct professor position at The Wuhan University of Technology. He also holds a visiting scientist position at CSIRO Melbourne. He is chair of the Royal Society of Interest Group on Porous Materials.
7月21日,英国剑桥大学教授Thomas Doulas Bennet应邀作客sunbet官方网站长江学术论坛第84讲,作题为《Novel Metal-organic Framework Materils: High Pressure-Temperature Polymorphs, Glasses and Crystal-Glass Composites》的报告,报告由邓鹤翔教授主持。Bennet教授首先介绍了常规多孔材料MOF的组成方式,接着阐述了他们课题组最近发展的新型玻璃态MOF材料以及与传统MOF材料的区别和联系。Bennet教授通过生动的举例,将玻璃态MOF材料与传统玻璃材料的对比进行了深入浅出的讲解,同时对这类新型材料潜在的应用价值进行了展望。