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时间:2019-02-22 10:58:39点击量:

主讲人:Marc Taillefer 教授

时  间:2019年2月25日(星期一)15:00

地  点:sunbet官方网站学术报告厅

题  目:C-C and C-Heteroatom Bond Formation:From the scientific discovery and mechanistic studies to industrial applications


Marc Taillefer gained his Ph.D. in 1989 from University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. After a post-doctoral position at the Technical University Munich, Germany, with Professor Wolfgang A. Herrmann, he joined the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, National Centre for Scientific Research) and started his research at the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier, France. Since 2004, he has been CNRS Research Director and head of the research group on Molecular Synthesis Methodology at the Institut Charles Gerhardt. Since 2016, he has served as the executive vice-president of the French Chemical Society, and has been elected as the executive vice-president of the French Chemical Society very recently (2019). He has also been awarded lots of honors, including Grand prix Emile Jung Fleisch Académie des sciences - French Academy of Sciences (2017), European Sustainable Chemistry Award (2012), Clavel-Lespiau Prize from the French Academy of Science (2010). His research interest focuses on synthesis, reactivity and applications of phosphonium ylides, and copper or iron-catalyzed arylation of nucleophiles (C-N, C-O and C-C bond formation).


(通讯员闫兴秀)2019年2月25日下午15时,来自法国蒙彼利埃的国家科学研究中心(CNRS)的Marc Taillefer教授,为现场百余名师生带来题为“C-C and C-Heteroatom Bond Formation:From the scientific discovery and mechanistic studies to industrial applications”的学术讲座。

Marc Taillefer教授总结了他关于C-C键,C-H键的形成、反应性和应用的研究经验及研究成果,重点介绍了关于金属Cu和Fe催化的亲核试剂的芳基化反,包括C-N,C-O,C-C键的形成。他致力于寻找新的思路,开发新的催化剂,并介绍了其课题组发明的一系列反应在工业生产中的实际应用。

