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前沿科学报告----Visualizing Electronic Quantum Materials with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
时间:2017-12-18 16:27:57点击量:


职 务:Postdoctoralresearch associate

VisualizingElectronic Quantum Materials with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy


<span style=";padding: 0px;line-height: 2;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 16px" font-size:16px;color:#000000;"="">  In this talk, by focusing on two pieces ofwork done recently on transition metal oxide, I will show how to image the novelelectronic states with both momentum and real space resolution in quantum materialsusing scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S).In p-wave superconductor Sr2RuO4, we usequasiparticle interference to probe the electron interactions of the normalstate in momentum space. We successfully extract the band dispersion and findstrong correlation effect on the one-dimensional β-band, suggesting that thenormal state of Sr2RuO4 is that of a `correlated metal’. We also observe kinksin the dispersion that arise from coupling with collective modes. Quasiparticleinterference measurement can be performed at lower temperature and in magneticfield, which is a good compensation of photoemission measurements.In Sr3Ir2O7, I will show how the Mottinsulating state collapses with electron doping in a real space fashion. Wefind the impact of dopants to the local electron states is highly locationdependent.  Nanoscale phase separation, electronicorder and pesudogap are revealed in this system, showing generic features ofdoped Mott insulators including high temperature superconductor copper oxide.