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前沿科学报告----Ultrafast Laser Optics for Precision Metrology and Coherent Microscopy
时间:2017-04-08 15:38:50点击量:

职 务:研究员(德国自由电子激光科学中心)
题 目:Ultrafast Laser Optics for Precision Metrology and Coherent Microscopy


  Ultrafast laser optics studies the generation, manipulation, transmission, and characterization of ultrashort optical pulses and their innumerable applications in physics, chemistry, biology, etc. This talk will discuss key ultrafast laser technologies to enable an ultrafast laser for two important applications: (1) femtosecond laser frequency comb for detecting exoplanets and (2) powerful, widely tunable femtosecond sources for coherent microscopy imaging.


  Dr. Guoqing Chang graduated with both Bachelor and Master degrees from Electronics Engineering department of Tsinghua University and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science at the University of Michigan. After staying at the University of Michigan as a postdoctoral research fellow for about one year, he joined the Research Laboratory of Electronics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral research associate. In August 2012, he moved to the Center for free electron laser (CFEL) at Hamburg (Germany) as the head of the Helmholtz Young investigator group “Ultrafast Laser Optics and Coherent Microscopy” under the ultrafast optics and X-Rays division.

  His research has focused on high-power ultrafast fiber lasers (e.g., laser device, oscillator, amplifier, etc.), ultrafast nonlinear optics and femtosecond frequency combs for precision calibration of astronomical spectrographs. At CFEL, his research group aims to pushing the limits of ultrafast laser technologies and apply them to explore broader topics, such as laboratory-based EUV/X-ray source, mid-IR frequency combs for spectroscopy, cavity enhanced ultrafast nonlinear optics, and multi-photon microscopy.